
Jesuit High School is proud to share the news and stories of the rich community we serve. If you have an idea for an article in Jaynotes, want to let us know Where Y’at, have a correction or additional information, or would like to request a copy of a publication, contact the Communications Department at


Jesuit’s magazine for the entire community that highlights events, activities and people at the school. Published twice a year, fall and spring, it features a special section for our alumni, updates from Today at Jesuit, and features from the depths of Jesuit’s extensive archives.

President’s Report

Our annual financial report, published in the late fall, presents the financial profile of the school for the previous fiscal year.

Student Publications

Our students produce a variety of publications under the tutelage of their teachers and advisers.

The Blue Jay (Newspaper)

The Blue Jay, is published several times a year and offers students an opportunity to develop their journalistic, photographic, and artistic skills. This award-winning outlet showcases the variety of events and activities happening daily at Jesuit.

The Blue Jay (Yearbook)

The Blue Jay yearbook staff documents events of the entire school year. Students are afforded the opportunity to hone their photographic, graphic design, computer publishing, finance, public relations, and journalism skills.


Calliope, Jesuit’s literary magazine, is a showcase for students’ poetry, short fiction, non-fiction, and artwork. The goal of Calliope is to foster creative talents at Jesuit High School. The staff publishes the best creative pieces from student submissions across grade levels and abilities. Calliope staff members read, critique, and edit the work of others; senior staff members also learn aspects of layout and design. The magazine is published in the spring and sponsors several awards for creative writing and artwork.

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