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Christ in Scripture
This course for pre-freshmen provides an introduction to Sacred Scripture and to the basics of the Christian faith as understood and practiced by the Catholic Church. Students will read one Gospel and a substantial part of the Old Testament. The course will also offer students a brief historical introduction to Saint Ignatius Loyola, the Society of Jesus, and Jesuit High School.
This freshmen course helps students to understand God’s actions in history as culminating in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. In the first quarter of the course, students will read from the Old Testament, focusing on texts that prophesy the coming of the messiah. The rest of the year will be devoted to the reading of the New Testament. Students will be taught to read and discuss a biblical text within the Catholic tradition. Topics include covenant, paschal mystery, Incarnation, the Kingdom of God, and the Second Coming.
This semester course for sophomores considers the nature, origins, and development of Jesus’ Church. Students examine the mission of the Church throughout its history, the relation of the Church to the world at large, the differences within Christianity, and the relation of Christianity to other religions.
This semester course for sophomores emphasizes the efficacy of God’s grace by investigating the development and meaning of the sacraments in the Roman Catholic Church. Topics include grace, symbol, ritual, liturgy, Christ and Church as Sacraments, and the seven sacraments.
Personal and Social Morality
This year-long course for juniors is an inquiry into the foundations, meaning, and promise of life in Christ. Students begin with a study of who Jesus Christ is, attempting to understand Him as the norm for Christian morality. The course proceeds with an investigation of general moral principles followed by a consideration of particular issues that face teenagers in their daily lives. It concludes with a study on how the Christian faith and the revelation of Jesus Christ affect their lives as citizens and responsible members of society.
Christian Vocations
This senior level semester course examines the state of life in the Church, and life choices of the Christian faithful with a particular emphasis on marriage. Topics include Christian identity, communication, love, sexuality, marriage, the single life, religious life, and the priesthood.
Catholic Social Teaching
The first half of this course will provide a frame of reference for understanding the teachings of the Church on social justice. Students will examine the relationship between God and creatures, paying particular attention to God’s attributes and to the problem of suffering or evil. They will then examine the responsibility that each Christian must in good conscience accept in response to suffering and injustice. Finally, the first half of the course will conclude with an examination of the interplay between the state, the market, and civil society, paying particular attention to the impact that this dynamic can have on the family. The second half of the course will apply the principles of Catholic social teaching to important problems in our world today.
The Theology of C.S. Lewis
This senior level elective acquaints students with the basic literary corpus of C.S. Lewis, emphasizing in particular his theological thought as it is found in his fiction and non-fiction. The course is structured seminar style, with heavy emphasis placed upon writing and student discussion of the readings. Through the writings of C.S. Lewis, the major Christian theological themes of creation, sin, redemption, and prayer are examined.