In Memoriam

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This page features death notices and information about funeral services pertaining to deceased members of the Jesuit High School community. The page is frequently updated and is based mainly on information contained in the death notices published on and in the New Orleans Advocate. The list of deceased is also compiled and printed in Jaynotes, Jesuit’s alumni publication.

Jesuit alumni who live outside the metro New Orleans region are encouraged to submit information about their deceased loved ones.

Alumni can also email us at or call us at (504) 483-3947 to submit information or ask questions about information the In Memoriam process.

For In Memoriam listings prior to June 1, 2013, visit Jesuit’s website archives.

Posted Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sonia Trosclair Bordes

Mother of Brad C. Bordes ‘94

Wake 9:30-11 a.m. Monday 11/4/13

Mass 11 a.m. Monday 11/4/13

At Holy Name of Jesus

6365 St. Charles Ave.


Posted Saturday, November 2, 2013

Stephen Joseph Terese

Brother of Gerald J. Terese ‘76

Services in Shreveport LA


Constant G. Marquer, Jr.’48


Wake 8:30-10 a.m. Monday 11/4/13

Mass 10 a.m. Monday 11/4/13

At Lake Lawn


Iris Bennen

Wife of the late George W. Bennen ‘44

Grandmother of Brad P. Bennen ‘08

Services in Brusly LA


David Louis Beach, Sr.

Father of David L., Jr. ‘87, Eric H. ’91, Mark V. ’93, Kevin C. ’94, and Jon A. Beach ‘95

Wake 10-12 noon Tuesday 11/5/13

Mass 12 noon Tuesday 11/5/13

At St. Edward the Confessor

Donations to Jesuit High School, 4133 Banks St. New Orleans LA 70119 are on line


Posted Friday, November 1, 2013

Earl L. Mangin

Father of Earl L., Jr. ’77 and Paul G. Mangin ‘80

Grandfather of Brian E., Jr. ’07 and Andrew E. Adorno ‘10

Wake 9-11 a.m. Saturday 11/2/13

Mass 11 a.m. Saturday 11/2/13

At Jacob Schoen and Son

Canal St.


Bernice Smith Comeaux

Grandmother of Ryan L. Comeaux ‘99

Wake 10:30-1 p.m. Monday 11/4/13

Mass 1 p.m. Monday 11/4/13

At St. Benilde

1901 Division St.


Margaret Estelle Miller Castay

Sister of George A. Miller, Jr. ‘69

Services in Darrow LA


Margaret Jean Till Carney

Mother of W. Kirk ’61 and Robert E. Carney ‘79

Private services will be held.


Posted Thursday, October 31, 2013

Wilson Julian Ledet

Grandfather of Alexander J. Schneider ‘06

Wake 3-5 p.m. Saturday 11/2/13

Memorial service 5 p.m. Saturday 11/2/13

At Mothe’s

2100 Westbank Expwy.

Posted Monday, October 28, 2013

Paul DeArmas

Grandfather of Michael S. ’02 and Robert D. Ricci ‘05

Wake 10-10:30 a.m. Saturday 11/2/13

Memorial Mass 10:30 a.m. Saturday 11/2/13

At St. Philip Neri

6500 Kawanee Ave.


Posted Saturday, October 26, 2013

Ronald Whiteside West

Father of Ronald W. West II ‘91

Wake 10-12 noon Tuesday 10/29/13

Mass 12 noon Tuesday 10/29/13

At St. Henry’s

812 Gen. Pershing St.


Margaret Turner Robicheaux

Grandmother of Ryan M. Robicheaux ‘99

Wake 5-8 p.m. Monday 10/28/13

9-10 a.m. Tuesday 10/29/13

Mass 10 a.m. Tuesday 10/29/13

At Lake Lawn


Posted Thursday, October 24, 2013

Isabel V. Chabelita Hernandez

Grandmother of Marcus W. Curtis ‘80

Services have been held


Posted Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Alexander McKeith Crighton, Jr.

Father of Alexander M. III ’72 and Christopher E. Crighton ‘79

Services in Gulfport MS