In Memoriam

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This page features death notices and information about funeral services pertaining to deceased members of the Jesuit High School community. The page is frequently updated and is based mainly on information contained in the death notices published on and in the New Orleans Advocate. The list of deceased is also compiled and printed in Jaynotes, Jesuit’s alumni publication.

Jesuit alumni who live outside the metro New Orleans region are encouraged to submit information about their deceased loved ones.

Alumni can also email us at or call us at (504) 483-3947 to submit information or ask questions about information the In Memoriam process.

For In Memoriam listings prior to June 1, 2013, visit Jesuit’s website archives.

Posted Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Mary Virginia Mumme Pauli

Daughter of the late Jules J. Mumme, Jr. ‘26

Wake 9-11 a.m. Thursday 11/14/13

Mass 11 a.m. Thursday 11/14/13

At Greenwood

5200 Canal Blvd.


Edmond B. Montaldo, Jr.

Father of Edmond B. Montaldo III ‘80

Grandfather of Edmond B. Montaldo IV ‘08

Wake 11-1 p.m. Saturday 11/16/13

Mass 1 p.m. Saturday 11/16/13

At Lake Lawn


Posted Tuesday, November 12, 2013

John Anthony Spansel’52

Father of Mark J. 73 and Paul J. Spansel ‘77

Grandfather of Erik M. ’01 and Brett G. Spansel ‘14

Brother of Alfred J. Spansel ‘54

Services on Thursday, Nov. 14, 2013

Our Lady of Lourdes, Slidell

Wake from 9-11 a.m., Funeral Mass at 11 a.m.




Mary Erin Screen Mathes

Grandmother of Thomas E. ’98 and Timothy A. Constant ‘01

Sister of the late Rev. Msgr. Arthur T. ’34 and the late John F. Screen ‘34

Wake 10-11 a.m. Thursday 11/14/13

Mass 11 a.m. Thursday 11/14/13

At Lake Lawn


Leona Krubbe Hilbert

Wife of Gerard H. Hilbert ‘42

Services in Pensacola FL


Harold J. Flynn, Sr.

Grandfather of Matthew J. ’05 and Ryan P. Flynn ‘09

Services in LaPlace LA


Posted Sunday, November 10, 2013

Katherine Gresse Dolese

Grandmother of John W. ’00 and Stephen T. Finigan ’03, and Luke B. Falgoust ‘04

Wake 9-11 a.m. Tuesday 11/12/13

Mass 11 a.m. Tuesday 11/12/13

At Lake Lawn


Posted Saturday, November 9, 2013

Anthony R. Kaye Occhipinti

Grandfather of Dennis M. Occhipinti ‘10

Services were held 11/6/13


Marilyn Catherine Hughes Hebert

Wife of the late John R. “Jack” Hebert former teacher Jesuit High School

Services have been held.


Harvey Crowley Couch

Father of Harvey M. Couch ‘94

Wake 11-1 p.m. Monday 11/11/13

Mass 1 p.m. Monday 11/11/13

At Holy Name of Jesus

6367 St. Charles Ave.


Posted Friday, November 8, 2013

Colleen Camperi Thian

Wife of the late Hewitte A. Thian ‘43

Mass 2 p.m. Saturday 11/9/13

At St. Pius X

6600 Spanish Fort Blvd.


Peter A. DiPol

Grandfather of Peter M. Crowsen ‘00

Wake 10-12 noon Saturday 11/9/13

Mass 12 noon Saturday 11/9/13

At Jacob Schoen and Son

Canal Street.


Posted Thursday, November 7, 2013

Helen Marie Zacary

Grandmother of Sean Z. Tillery ‘13

Services in Covington LA


Shirley Flick Ruello

Mother of Kenneth B., Jr. ’67, Charles E. ’69, Robert R. ’76, and Jon M. Ruello ‘77

Grandmother of Jason M. Brown ’02, Kenneth B. III ’05, Michael R. ’09, and Jon M. Ruello ‘16

Wake 10-11 a.m. Saturday 11/9/13

Mass 11 a.m. Saturday 11/9/13

At St. Pius X

6600 Spanish Fort Blvd.


Posted Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Marion Reis Hennings

Mother of Gerald T., Jr. ’65, Eric W. ’66, and Karl M. Hennings ‘77

Wake 10-11 a.m. Friday 11/8/13

Services 11 a.m. Friday 11/8/13

At Shrine of Our Lady of Prompt Succor

2635 State St.