Participation of Jesuit Parents in PAG Drive Yields Impressive Results
PAG Sunday was a resounding success as many Jesuit families, like the Schmidts (pictured), not only came to the Mass, but also participated in what is an important campaign to keep tuition at a reasonable cost. It’s never too late to participate in the PAG drive if you haven’t already done so. View the Photo Gallery from PAG Sunday.
The 2013-14 PAG drive continues to enjoy the support of the vast majority of Jesuit’s parents. Two weeks out from PAG Sunday, which was Sept. 15, the drive has attracted 999 pledges totaling $1,188,535. Here is the breakdown by class:
Grade Level | Number of Pledges | Amount Pledged |
Seniors | 213 | $259,003 |
Juniors | 201 | $228,623 |
Sophomores | 194 | $219,556 |
Freshmen | 203 | $207,591 |
Pre-freshmen | 188 | $273,762 |
Totals |
999 |
$1,188,535 |
Parents may donate to the PAG drive.
PAG Sunday, Sept. 15, 2013
After Mass, families headed over to the Student Commons to enjoy a continental-style breakfast. The Harper family was among those attending: Ronald Harper, Sr. and his wife Deidre, and their three children - daughter Lauren and her Blue Jay brothers, freshman Josh and sophomore Ro, Jr. (far right).
The 2013-14 PAG leadership team: seated, from left, general chairman Mark Cousins '74; senior tri-chairs Ken Boe '84, Andy Galy '84, and Mike Bourgeois; junior tri-chairs Skip Crabtree, Gerald Duhon '85, and Eric Simonson '82; sophomore tri-chairs Eric Derbes '83 and Phlip Nimmo (their colleague Geary Mason '79 was not available for the photo); standing from left: Jesuit president Fr. Raymond Fitzgerald, S.J. '76, volunteer Gene Simon, freshman tri-chair Rocky Daigle '85, former tri-chair and volunteer Jose Abadin, freshmen tri-chairs Bryon Hatrel '84 and Kelly Parenton '90; pre-freshmen tri-chaiirs Tom Leonhard '85, Rick Kuebel '82, and Rene Alvarez '83; former general chair and volunteer Terry Billings '74, Br. Billy Dardis, S.J. '58, and Tom Bagwill, director of institutional advancement.
As PAG Sunday comes to a close, the tri-chairs view the results and like what they see.
Pre-freshmen tri-chairs, from left, Rene Alvarez '83, Rick Kuebel '82, and Tom Leonhard '85 check the bottom line of their efforts.
Mark Cousins '74 is this year's general chairman of the PAG drive,
Rocky Daigle '85 (center) is one of the tri-chairs for the freshmen class, along with Kelly Parenton '90 (seated) and Bryon Hatrel '84 (right).
The PAG leadership team sets up in the Student Commons.
Several Jesuit mothers graciously volunteered to help serve breakfast to the families. From left, Jeanne Billings, Jane Alvarez, Julie Nimmo, Jeanne Boe, Ginja Cousins, and Judy Abadin
A round table conference of Blue Jays flanked by pre-freshmen twins Andrew (left) and Jake Kuebel (right); between the twins is a trio of Alvarez brothers -- senior Mark, James (who attends St. Catherine of Siena School in Metairie), and pre-freshman Nathan; pre-freshman Reese Leonhard (second from right) rounds out the group.
Missy and Gerald Duhon '85 with their son Evan, a junior. Gerald serves as a tri-chairman of the junior class for the PAG drive.
Seven are heaven for the Schmidt Family: front row, from left, Matthew (held by) Michael, Mary, Christopher, and Joseph; back row, Blue Jay junior Evans, Elizabeth, Evans '84 and Shannon.
Juan and Jennifer Molina with their sons, pre-freshman Manuel (right) and Miguel.
Guy and Pam Cresson with their freshman son Guy and daughter Elise.
PAG Mass always begins with the procession of banner bearers. Senior Paul Cousins is at the front of the line.
Fr. Fitzgerald, his concelebrants, Brother Billy Dardis, S.J., and the altar servers process down the center aisle after the Mass.
Senior Christopher Dupre, who is the president of the 2013-14 Student Council, addressed parents about the importance of the PAG drive from the perspectives of students.
The Blue Jay Chorus, under the direction of Mrs. Kate Arthurs, always adds a special dimension to the Mass.
Several former PAG chairs and their families attend the annual Mass. Here, the congregation exchanges a sign of peace.
Bringing the Offertory Gifts to Fr. Fitzgerald are, from left, Diane Bourgeois, Jeanne Boe, and Ginja Cousins.
Senior Mitch Bourgeois
Senior Thomas Nimmo
Pre-freshman Nathan Alvarez
Pre-freshman Reese Leonhard
Junior Scott Crabtree
Senior Adam Boe