Latin teacher Mitch Chapoton, for no particular reason, crowns a proud sophomore Joel Epling, King of Latin. Assisting Mr. Chapoton with the installation is his loyal minion, sophomore Patrick Cecola.
April 22, 2013
Monday Morning Math Quiz…
Pre-freshmen in Ms. Schexnayder’s first period math class are greeted with a quiz first thing on Monday morning. Working diligently on the quiz are Peyton Duersal (right), Noah Baquet, and Ryan Bourdais.
April 19, 2013
Seniors in the Hall…
Seniors Paden Ruegge (left), Elliot Ordoyne, and Patrick Tullier take a break from studying in the third floor hallway for this Wild Photo.
April 18, 2013
All Work…
Sophomore Alex Vinet (front) and freshman Matthew Zeringue check their work carefully on recent science test.
April 17, 2013
Election Day…
Wednesday before school and during the lunch hour, students took the opportunity to vote for those Blue Jays running for class level offices. Above, senior Jack Culotta (right) hands freshman Thomas Hellmers a ballot.
April 16, 2013
“O” So Positive!
Blue Jays lined up in the student commons to donate blood for the local blood bank. Juniors Patrick Ryan (left) and Alex Letulle are just two of the special people who donated during the school day on Tuesday.
April 15, 2013
Searching for a Brother…
Monday during the lunch hour, Blue Jays like sophomore Osman Torres (left), junior Zach Adams, and sophomore David Senentz are volunteering to be a part of the Big Brother program, a group of students who help Little Brothers—incoming eighth or ninth graders who will start Jesuit next school year—with their transition to high school life.
April 12, 2013
Se Habla What?
Friday morning, Mrs. Merle Palacios and her students—juniors Ivan Hidrovo (left), Herbert Spurlock, senior Bo Devenport, and junior Charles Farley—critique poor translations of Spanish text into English.
April 11, 2013
Poetry on the Road…
Seniors from Mr. Prados’s English V class visit Mrs. Dupuis’s English I class for a brief poetry reading on Thursday morning.
April 10, 2013
Let’s Talk Spanish…
Senior Jeremy Vezina (right) “interviews” with Spanish teacher Andy Dykema for an engineering job. This interview, conducted in Spanish, was part of a project for Ms. Nilda Rivera’s Spanish class.
April 9, 2013
A Delicate Balance…
For whatever reason on Tuesday afternoon, talented pre-freshman Chris Szeszycki returns to his science class with his book on his head.
April 8, 2013
No Monday Blues Here!
Sophomores Greg Wallis (left) and Nick Pajares are all smiles during the lunch hour in the Jesuit cafeteria on Monday afternoon.
April 5, 2013
Gone to the Dogs!
Friday morning in Mrs.Arthurs-Goldberg’s speech class, freshman Jake Fasick and his dog listen to demonstration speeches. Earlier in class, Jake presented his speech about dog tricks with the assistance of his best friend.
April 4, 2013
A Working Breakfast…
Seniors Harrison Cutrera (left) Chris Powers, Jared Mentz, Deven Francis, Jacob Campos, Matthew Arseneaux, Zach Ciolino, and Grant Candies enjoy a working breakfast in the Jesuit cafeteria on Thursday morning.
April 3, 2013
The Answer Man…
Science teacher Jeff Darling helps pre-freshman Justin Leveque with a question during class on Wednesday morning.
April 2, 2013
It Don’t Mean a Thing If You Ain’t Got That Swing…
Tuesday morning on Will Clark Field, freshman Ryan Kramer takes a mighty swing at this pitch during his P.E, class.