Renovations in the Chapel of the North American Martyrs began this week to replace the existing windows with new energy efficient windows. The chapel window project is scheduled to be completed this fall.
July 12, 2013
Practice Makes Perfect…
Rising seniors Peter Belleau (center), John Mitton (right), and Charlie Kurtz (left) drill in Traditions Courtyard as part of the school’s Marine Corps Junior Reserved Officer Training Corps (MCJROTC) summer leadership workshop. MCJROTC leaders for the upcoming school year have gathered at Jesuit to hone their skills before commanding the cadets in the fall.
June 21, 2013
Fun in the Sun…
Day campers at Jesuit High School enjoy “Water Day” on Will Clark Field on Friday, June 21. Campers spent the day just being kids—playing with squirt guns, sliding down water slides, and running around and chasing each other on the field to release their pent-up energy.
June 14, 2013
Jesuit Tourists…
Paul Perez ’79 (wearing black shirt on right) hosted a jambalaya dinner in the Student Commons recently for students and staff from Jesuit High School in Sacramento, California, where service projects are built into the school curriculum. Thirteen students and three faculty members teamed up with the St. Bernard Project to sand dry wall in New Orleans East. It’s the fourth year Perez has hosted a group of volunteer workers at his alma mater.
June 5, 2013
Have Whistle, Will Counsel…
Under the watchful eye of the St. Ignatius statue in Traditions Courtyard, Jesuit Day Camp counselors Earl Johnson and Jack Hebert prepare for another day of fun in the sun. Wednesdays are spent on campus and usually include a movie and popcorn.
May 22, 2013
There’s a Reason for These Smiles…
Pre-freshmen Alex Tran (left) and Nolan Lambert are all smiles as the end of exams and the school year approaches. Thursday will be the last day of scheduled exams.
May 23, 2013
See You Later…
Sophomores and juniors bid farewell to the 2012-2013 academic year after their last exam on Thursday and welcome the start of their summer break.
May 21, 2013
Should I Select “A” or “B”?
Freshman Brandon Wolff poses a question to his teacher Norm Stafford during Tuesday’s English exam.
May 20, 2013
The Break Between Exams…
In between exams on Monday morning, freshman D.J. Ogbomah (standing) and pre-freshmen Matt Nguyen, Dylan Black, and Nick Ray take it nice and easy in the sun-splattered Traditions Courtyard.
May 17, 2013
Acy’s Aces Celebrate the End of the Academic Year…
Blue Jays in Mr. Acy’s Greek IV class surprise and reward their teacher with a party celebrating a successful year of studying Greek.
May 16, 2013
An Astronomical Review…
Thursday afternoon, Mr. Wahl prepares his juniors for their astronomy exam. Astronomy is one of the many elective courses open to upperclassmen.
May 15, 2013
Positive Attitudes…
Pre-freshmen Noah Martin (left), Christian Illg, and William Rosevally appear optimistic during their lunch hour studies in the third floor hallway on Wednesday afternoon.
May 14, 2013
Junior Achievement…
Juniors Christian Ruppert (left), Jack Meehan, Grant Nichols, Chase Eckholdt, James Licciardi, and Will McQueen are ready for action in Mr. Lavie’s Algebra II class on Tuesday.
May 13, 2013
Experts on Avarice…
Pre-freshmen Dominic Baker (left) and Hunt Navar discuss their presentation on avarice to their classmates in Mr. Michalik’s theology class.
May 10, 2013
A Project That’s Way Above Par…
With his classmates looking on, freshman Benji Creel tries out his geometry project used to teach/explain geometric reflection. Students in Mrs. Merritt’s geometry class created projects to be used next year to help explain geometric principles.
May 9, 2013
Collecting for the Used Book Sale…
After completing their exams on Thursday morning, seniors John Dunn (back), Quinn Fitzpatrick, and Trey Adams turn in their books to Mrs. Georgann Dufour for next school year’s used book sale. Underclassmate will have the opportunity to submit their books later this month. The Used Book Sale takes place in August.