The class of 1959 celebrates their 55th reunion.
Reunion Committe: Rick Sins, Mark Rodi, Frank Bordelon, Paul Revere, Jack Saux, Ray Rizzo, Eddie Rice
Jim Robarts, Mark Rodi, Bob Johns, Roy Schully, and Wayne Kempff
Mark Rodi welcomes everyone.
Mark Rodi reads the names of deceased classmates.
The class toasts.
Servando Mendez, who taught Spanish to the class of 1959, toasts the class.
Will Billon and Marj Rodi with an old photo that Mark found and presented to Will.
James Dufour, Mark Rodi, Ed Roniger, Buster Unsworth, Bob Johns, Beau Parent, Roy Schully
Jack Saux and Earl Higgins
Jack DuArte and Bob Johns
Servando Mendez, Ray Rizzo, and Roy Schully
Servando Mendez and Ed Vocke
Charlie Heim and Jack Dardis
Rommy Tujague and Pat Berrigan
Lou De Gruy III, Nelson Daigle,and Bill Eastin
Gernett Bedenbaugh and Ronnie Desforges
Richard Derbes, George Becker, Bobby Raphael, and Nelson Daigle
Gerorge Reitmeyer, Ronnie Desforges, and Tom Canale
Alex Ortolano, Jack Dardis, and Charlie Heim
Gerry BUrns, C.J. Aucoin., John Koerner, and Bill Eastin
Frank Bordelon, Ray Rizzo, and Fred Woessner
Bob Johns, Rick Sins, and James Dufour
Earl Higgins, Garnet Bedenbaugh, Win Stoutz, Dene Deneshaud, Larry Larman, Jack Saux, and Jim Robarts
Wayne Kempff, Gene Miller, Ray Rizzo, and Will Billon
Rick Sins, Bob Johns, and Donald Loisel (seated)
Fred Woessner and Bobby LaNasa
Mike Rooney, Larry Ward, Jack Dardis, and Charlie Heim
Frank Bordelon, Bobby Raphael, and Harry Clark
Larry Larman and Lou De Gruy III
Mike Rooney, Fr. Anthony McGinn, S.J., and Ray Rizzo
Paul Vogt, Rommy Tujague, and Will Billon
James Dufour and Wayne Kempff
Earl Higgins, Jack DuArte, Ronnie Desforges, and Ed Vocke
Jakc Roniger, C.J. Aucoin, Alex Ortolano, and Donald Loisel (seated)
Buster Unsworth, Eddie Rice, and Richard Derbes
Charlie Heim, Rick Sins, Larry Ward, and Pat Berrigan
Harry Clark, Fred Woessner, and Ed Vocke