Quiz Bowl Team Wins 1st Place in Chapelle Tournament

Seniors Stanley Dai, Jack Caliva, Kevin Yokum, Jordan Lacoste hold their first place trophy from the Chapelle Quiz Bowl Tournament.
Three Quiz Bowl teams finished strong in Chapelle’s second annual Fall Quiz Bowl Tournament on Saturday, Oct. 12
The all-senior team of Jack Caliva, Stanley Dai, Jordan Lacoste and captain Kevin Yokum went undefeated with a 10-0 record to take first place. Team B, captained by senior Reuban Hogan, with team members senior Jim Huang, sophomore Anthony Stoner and junior Sam Zelden went 8-2 to take third place.
The JV team, playing in a varsity tournament, took fifth place with a 5-5 record, defeating the varsity teams from Shaw, Pineville, Br. Martin, Rummel and Mt. Carmel. Sophomore Andrew Cerise captained the JV team with team members sophomore Stephen Owers, freshmen Mitchell Barras and William Fine, and pre-freshman Robert Cerise and Eddie Redman.
Top individual awards went to Jesuit as well. Kevin Yokum won top scorer and top senior awards; Anthony Stoner won second highest scorer and top sophomore awards.