
Wild Photo Archives Posted August 25th, 2017 Last updated August 25th, 2017

The gizzard is “a muscular, thick-walled part of a bird’s stomach for grinding food, typically with grit.” This definition was one highly prized by loyal fans of the many Jesuit athletic teams. In the recent past, devoted Blue Jay fans came up with the idea to give the name to the Blue Jay student section, the place where any and all Blue Jay foes are ground up with that old-fashioned Blue Jay Spirit. While the students back then ran with the clever name, the “gizzard” title has faded from use over the years. However, 2017-2018 student leaders are bringing it back for good! On Thursday afternoon, these pictured Blue Jays traveled to watch the Hahnville Jamboree, which ended in a 14-14 tie, and to lay down the foundation for the gizzard. The precedent has been set.