Podracing Protection…
Wild Photo Archives Posted August 30th, 2017 Last updated August 30th, 2017
Those familiar with the podracing sequence featured in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace know podracing to be a popular sport in the less-developed regions of the galaxy. It’s also one of the most dangerous sports ever invented. Podracers, the custom-built, anti-gravity pods propelled by large turbine engines, were only as safe as the mechanic who made them and the pilots who operated them. The podracer used for today’s Star Wars-themed Welcome Week activity was also custom-built (using a rolling cart, cardboard, and rope), and it was only as safe as the two pilots (partners) who dragged it. Not to fear, though! Senior Drew Black took the necessary precautions, pictured here with his plastic helmet and armor before the big race!