Get Up and Dance…

Wild Photo Archives Posted April 5th, 2018 Last updated April 9th, 2018

Freshman Stefan Hernandez-San Martin, with the help of fellow classmate, freshman D.J. Bent, demonstrates the 6-step Salsa and 3-step Bachata dance moves. Students in Mrs. Kate Arthurs-Goldberg’s freshmen Speech I class spent this week performing their “demo” speeches. Each student is required to teach the rest of the class how to do something by demonstrating steps in a process. Food demonstrations were a big hit with Evan Hamilton making his family’s spicy fettuccine alfredo, Hayden Morris making bread dough from scratch, and Brandon Pham making Chicago style mini-deep dish pizzas. While the other students filled everyone’s bellies with good food, Stefan got everyone’s feet moving with his Latin music-inspired dance demonstration. He touched on the history of each dance’s cultural origins and paid homage to his grandmother who taught him how to dance.