Four Score and Four Years Apart…

Wild Photo Archives Posted August 8th, 2017 Last updated August 8th, 2017

Last week, one of Jesuit’s current students spent the day with a veteran Blue Jay who served in World War II. The National WWII Museum volunteer department featured the photo in its Volunteer Weekly Newsletter. Ben Martinez ’35, who serves as a WWII Veteran volunteer, enjoyed the company of rising junior Duncan Royster, a High School Summer Service Hour volunteer. Martinez, a frequent attendee of the annual Commencement Luncheon, was honored at the luncheon in May, together with Dan Barret ’34, as “the oldest Blue Jays in the room.” In less than two weeks Martinez turns 98 years old, born on August 21, 1919. Eighty-four years apart, Martinez and Royster remain forever connected in the bond of service. Jesuit thanks Beth Kliebert for capturing this moment.