Boxes, Book Days, and Blue Jays…

Wild Photo Archives Posted August 1st, 2017 Last updated August 1st, 2017

Under the supervision of math teacher and Blue Jay Shop manager Paul Rogers, students help prepare for the upcoming Book Days by organizing boxes. Pictured here (left to right), freshman Jeremy Howat works in Room 122 with sophomores Jonathan Howat and Richard Montoya. These Blue Jays spent time last week moving, sorting, and counting Jesuit PE shirts and shorts. The bookstore will be open prior to the first day of school during the following times: Aug. 7 – 11 (9 AM – 4 PM) with extended hours on Aug. 9 (7 AM – 5 PM) and Aug. 12 & 14 (hours TBA). Only transactions associated with Book Days will be accepted on Aug. 15 (seniors, juniors, and sophomores) and Aug. 16 (freshmen and pre-freshmen).