Bird Watching…

Wild Photo Archives Posted March 28th, 2014 Last updated March 29th, 2014

Meet Annette, a red-shouldered hawk which is nesting in one of the large oaks on Banks Street adjacent to Jesuit High School. Anticipating the spring season and all that comes with it, Annette and her red-shouldered mate, Dennis, built a cozy home in the oak’s branches about five weeks ago. The Wild Photographer snapped this photo Friday when Annette was looking rather beleaguered. She was soaked from the drenching thunderstorms that plagued the New Orleans area. Annette rarely leaves her nest as she has been nurturing two fine looking eggs for the past couple of weeks. Dennis seems to be a protective mate as he is always nearby, his cries readily heard when he detects any sense of intrusion. It may seem strange that the two hawks have taken up residence along a busy stretch of Banks Street, as opposed to a more quiet nature setting where ornithologists have their binoculars trained on them. The pair of hawks seems to be oblivious to the cacophony of an endless procession of distractions taking place far below on the street. Maybe it’s entertainment to them — workers resurfacing Banks, car doors slamming, truck horns, and sirens of racing fire engines — through it all Annette and Dennis have been stoic and unworried. Certainly by now they feel at home in Mid-City. After all, they are among birds of a feather — all 1,410 Blue Jays.