Newest Jays Welcomed to the Nest on Orientation Day

Pre-freshman Cameron Arroyo and Big Brother senior Trevor Roussel walk down the second floor balcony at the end of New Students’ Orientation Day.
It was fitting that the alumni speaker at Investiture 2015 was a former Blue Jay baseball player. After all, for Jesuit’s newest students, Thursday, Aug. 13, was opening day.
After meeting their homeroom teachers, pre-freshmen and new 9th graders were escorted to the Chapel of the North American Martyrs by their Big Brothers for Investiture, a ceremony that was collaboratively created in 1998.
Student Council president Joseph Dupré ’16 welcomed the assembly, introduced members of the administrative team, and invited alumnus Briggs Barrios ’10 to talk about his Jesuit experience.
Barrios, who played baseball for the Blue Jays and Tulane University, challenged the school’s newest students to get involved. “Try out for a team, play in the band, join the Phils, or get involved in campus ministry,” he urged them. “Don’t let these upcoming years pass you by.”
Mr. Peter Kernion, a 1990 alumnus who took over as principal in 2013, stressed the importance of persevering. “It’s like I used to tell my cross country runners, a strong finish begins with a smart start.” Mr. Kernion urged his newest charges to work hard, be organized, and help each other, which includes asking for assistance when it’s needed.
The chapel presentation also included remarks from student body vice-president Felix Rabito ’16, who confessed he gave serious consideration to leaving Carrollton & Banks midway through his freshman year. Rabito admitted that making the commute from Mandeville everyday took a toll on him physically and mentally. Instead, he embraced the challenge and is glad he decided to stay. Today, Rabito is one of the school’s top swimmers, a member of Sodality, and a founder of the Odd Instruments Orchestra.
The chapel presentation concluded with a blessing and presentation of Blue Jay pins and the singing of the alma mater, led by senior Sterling Stafford, who was accompanied on the piano by his classmate Greg Fortier.
The new Jays spent the next several hours meeting their new teachers and getting a lay of the land, preparing them for the first full day of classes on Friday, Aug. 14.
The half-day session concluded with a rousing pep rally in Traditions Courtyard, which included a speech by Mr. Julio Minsal-Ruiz, S.J. — a Jesuit scholastic — and spirited performances from Jesuit’s cheerleaders, student council, and the Blue Jay Marching Band.
New Students' Orientation Day, Aug. 13, 2015
Fr. Kevin Dyer, S.J. (school chaplain), Fr. Anthony McGinn, S.J. '66 (president), and Mr. Peter Kernion '90 (principal) sit by the "J" pins that will be distributed to new Blue Jays at the 2015 Investiture ceremony.
Student Council president, senior Joseph Dupré, introduced members of the administrative team and the event's alumni speaker.
Jesuit alumnus Briggs Barrios '10 speaks to Big Brothers and Little Brothers about the importance of being involved.
Fr. McGinn, S.J. blesses the pins to be distributed to new students.
A Big Brother gives "J" pins to pre-freshmen Colin Farnsworth and John Carbo.
Senior Austin Blanchard picks up "J" pins for his Little Brothers, pre-freshmen Gordon Kitziger and Andrew Whitehead.
Senior Cole Retif hands his Little Brother, pre-freshman Cole Toups, a "J" pin at the Investiture ceremony.
Junior Jeremy Hamilton hands a "J" pin to pre-freshman Joseph Flores.
Senior Felix Rabito encouraged the newest Blue Jays to embrace the challenge of their coming years at Jesuit.
Senior Steven Sellers enjoyed his classmate's comments.
Senior Sterling Stafford explains the alma mater and and leads the singing of it.
Alumnus Briggs Barrios '10 with senior Brady LeBlanc (right) and his Little Brothers, pre-freshmen Peter Happel and Kylan Steele.
Senior Joseph Dupré and Briggs Barrios '10
Investiture, which was created in 1998, provides the school community the opportunity to welcome new Blue Jays into the Jesuit family and to reflect upon the role these young men will play in maintaining the school's long-standing traditions. Each new Blue Jay receives a "J" pin from his Big Brother.
Mr. Top Abshire gives some helpful (and humorous) hints to new Blue Jays about how to remember where the stairwells are located in the building.
Pre-freshman Clay Bowers and his Big Brother, senior Charles Glass
After the new Blue Jays run through a shortened schedule of their classes, Student Council vice-president senior Felix Rabito is more than ready to start the pep rally in Traditions Courtyard.
Junior André Navarre leads his Little Brother, pre-freshman Tyler Kives, to the pep rally.
Big Brother senior Conrad Skinner and Little Brother pre-freshman Patrick Rice are caught off guard by flying candy.
The Student Council begins the pep rally with a pop of confetti and cheers.
The newest Jays appreciate the antics of student leaders.
Pre-freshmen Max Holmes and Jack Kinler laugh with their classmates while learning a game-time cheer.
The new students learn another Blue Jay favorite cheer, the roller coaster.
Mr. Julio Minsal-Ruiz, S.J., a scholastic, introduced himself to the new students and started a new rousing chant.
The Blue Jay Band entertains the crowd with popular game-time music.
The cheerleaders display their own version of Blue Jay Spirit.
Big Brother senior Kyle DiMarco with Little Brother pre-freshman Dylan Blady
Pre-freshman Cameron Arroyo and Big Brother senior Trevor Roussel
Junior Michael Haupt and his Little Brother, pre-freshman Caden Swain
Pre-freshmen Dylan Pineda and Will Manuel with their Big Brother, junior Chase Adamcewicz
Big Brother, senior Nolan Stone, stands with his Little Brothers, pre-freshmen Christian Cannon and John Alikhani