Class of ’80 Reconnect with 35th Year Reunion Events
The Class of 1980 celebrated their 35th year reunion with a July 10-11th weekend of events planned by Al Esparza, Jude Trahant, and Harry Bruns. Before the guys met on Friday evening at Restaurant Cava in Lakeview for a stag reception, several of them spent the day rebuilding one of the houses in the Youth Rebuilding New Orleans Project HOMEwork to build affordable homes for teachers. Saturday’s celebration included Mass in the Holy Name Chapel on Jesuit’s campus and a couples cocktail reception at the Southern Yacht Club.
Reunion 2015: Class of 1980, Stag, July 10, 2015
David Johnston, Lenny Cassioppi, and John T. O'Shea
The Class of 1980 visit the balcony at Cava.
Danny Bordes and John Laughlin
Brian Shearman, Gregg Barrios, and Bobby Talbot
Members of Jesuit's last varsity football team (prior to the '14 team) to play for a state championship with the 2014 team's Coach Mark Songy.
The Class of 1980 reunion committe: Harry Bruns, Al Esparza, and Jude Trahant
Fritz Westenberger and Conan Babin
Tim Farrelly, Lenny Cassioppi, and Lon McCloskey
John Burvant and Troy Bond
John O'Shea and Sandy Duplantier
Robin Pendleton, Bobby Chandler, and Art Brewster
Jay Redmon, John Sudderth, and Pat Schott