Blue Jays Prepare to Elect Student Council Leadership for 2015-2016 School Year

Posted March 23, 2015 / Last updated March 23, 2015

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Current student council vice president Chris Mills introduces the candidates for the 2015-2016 student council executive board to the Blue Jays assembled in the auditorium.

A Tuesday election may determine the leadership of the school’s student council for the next school year. If necessary, a run-off election will be held on Wednesday, with the election’s full results available Thursday.

In preparation for voting day, underclassmen spent Monday morning listening to Student Council Executive Board (E-Board) candidate speeches in the Jesuit Auditorium. Candidates were required to limit their speeches to less than two minutes. The E-Board hopefuls submitted their rough drafts for speeches nearly two weeks ago and spent last week rehearsing. At the rehearsals they were given feedback and suggestions by several faculty and staff members.

For what is believed to be the first time in the school’s history, an incumbent president is running in the hopes of a second term. Current student council president Joseph Dupré was likely the first junior in the history of the organization to hold its highest office.

While former members of the executive board look back on their time on the board with fond memories, it’s not all fun and games. Students applying for candidacy must face rigorous criteria and complete an exacting process.

Potential candidates must:

  • have a minimum GPA of 2.7
  • maintain good conduct — having no suspensions in the past two years and no Saturday Penance Halls in the year they are applying for candidacy
  • obtain the signatures of two current Jesuit faculty members who verifying the candidate is in good standing with Jesuit High School
  • obtain the signature of a parent/legal guardian verifying they are aware of the candidacy and the commitments required of elected officers
  • attend a mandatory campaign workshop
  • attend an officer training before the end of the school year
  • attend a summer Jesuit Student Council Workshop during the summer
  • The Student Council is composed of representatives from all grade levels.

Its purposes are:

  • To serve as a unifying agency in support of all school activities
  • To foster in the students the ideals of Jesuit High School and to inspire the highest type of school spirit
  • To provide a means of creating better fellowship and understanding between faculty and students and among the students themselves
  • To provide a greater opportunity for self-government and experience in democratic practices by affording a realistic representation of the views of the student body
  • To develop in its members the ideals and practice of Christian leadership

The student council is moderated by Mr. Chris Bowes ’02 and Mr. Scott Delatte ’06.