Seniors Slip Slidin’ Away

Prefect of discipline Mr. Top Abshire walks to his water hose station from where he can easily supervise the eager upperclass-Jays already lined up to participate in the Extreme Slip ‘n Slide, the fun and crazy activity on Wednesday during Senior Week.
During Senior Week, there is one activity that requires more courage than “Teacher Impersonations” and demands a sense of balance and agility that puts “Shirt Signing” in the laundry. The physical activity, more fun than munching on jambalaya, is, of course, Slip ‘n Slide.
The activity has been part of Senior Week for a long time and always produces memorable images.
Senior Week 2014: Slip & Slide, April 30, 2014
Luke Hahn stays on his feet.
Seniors are slippin' on by... and bye...
"Look at me," says Connor Gruntz. OK, we're looking and it is about me.
Will Dufour rocks and rolls.
Jorge Abadin slides with eyes wide shut.
C.J. Blagrove slides and slides and slides.
Evan DeHoog slips into a long laugh.
Collin Phillips; Matthew Blasini
Ryan Bergeron can't believe his eyes.
Will McQueen and Efosa Eboigbe stir up some suds.
Charlie Hamilton crawls out of the pool.
Sean Stephens watches his backside.
... and finishes upside down and all around.
Chris Dupre tries his side for a slide...
Adam Boe, the only senior who brought his swim goggles.
Conway Bellone opts to dive in.
Prefect of discipline Top Abshire walks to his water hose station from where he can easily supervise the eager upperclass Jays already llined up to participate in the extreme version of Slip 'n Slide, the fun and crazy activity on Wednesday during Senior Week.
Nick Tadros shows his sliding form.
It's a secret as to how Jacob Larriviere keeps his shirt dry.
Matthew Pettus employs the skid method.
Nicky Charles makes a splash.
Bailey Weber is washed ashore.
Michael Hanley goes through the car wash.
The ferocious look of Andrew Martin.
Somewhere in this spray is Brendan Besh.
Gus Cannon does a flamingo.
Riley Conroy kicks up what appears to be snow.
Tyler Story takes a spin.
Joe McAloon reaches for the sky.
Cole Johnson decides to slide.
The Slip 'n Slide activity has been part of Senior Week for many years.
Quentin Marks squirts the slip on the slide.