Rush Hours I & II Present Jays with a Myriad of Co-Curricular Options

Junior Noah Billeaud-LeHotsky explains a Nerf Blaster’s capability of projecting foam darts across the Student Commons to a trio interested in the co-curricular club which holds Nerf wars, a different way to relieve tension. (Go figure.) Keeping an open mind about the Nerf Club are sophomore Jason Grana and juniors Cade Couvillion and Matt Fuentes. The second and final hour of Rush 2014 takes place Thursday, September 11, in the Commons.
View Rush Hour I Photo Gallery
View Rush Hour II Photo Gallery
Blue Jays looking to become involved in co-curriculars — but can’t decide which activity or club is right for them — should visit the Student Commons at lunch time on Thursday when the second of two Rush Days unfolds in the span of a single rushed hour.
Some 30 different clubs and organizations will be on display Thursday, and most will feature sales pitches from current members who are knowledgeable and enthusiastic, if not downright chipper. On Wednesday, September 10, 30 other co-curriculars occupied the center space of the Commons for what was Rush Hour I. View the schedule below to see which clubs and organizations are on display Thursday.
Blue Jays are encouraged to explore their passions, try new things, become involved, and develop leadership skills through a multitude of student activities and co-curriculars.
A good place to start is by visiting the Student Commons at lunch.
2014-2015 Co-Curricular Clubs and Organizations and Moderators
Rush Days’ Schedule |
Wednesday, Sept. 10 |
Thursday, Sept. 11 |
Academic Games | Acoustic Guitar Club | |
Anime Club | Beach Volleyball Club | |
Art Club | Calliope | |
Asian Club | Cheerleaders | |
Blue Jay Annual | Classic Rock Club | |
Board Games Club | Debate Team | |
Bowling Club | Fencing Club | |
Chess Club | Foosball Club | |
Chorus | Frisbee Golf Club | |
Classics Society | Golf Club | |
French Club | Gregorian Chant Club | |
Green Club | Herpetology Club | |
J-Troupe Improv Group | Intramural Sports | |
MATHCOUNTS | Investment Club | |
MCJROTC | Mock Trial Team | |
Media Arts Club | Movie Critics Club | |
Mu Alpha Theta | Odd Instruments Orchestra | |
National Honor Society | Outdoors Club | |
Nerf Club | Peer Support | |
Paintball Club | Philelectic Society | |
Prep Quiz Bowl | Ping Pong Club | |
Role-Playing Games Club | Pre-prandials | |
Rugby Club | Pro-Life Club | |
Sailing Club | Robotics Club | |
Social Justice Forum/J-CAP | Sodality | |
Spanish Club | St. Peter Claver Club | |
Spanish Honor Society | Ultimate Frisbee Club | |
Student Council | Urban Farming Club | |
The Blue Jay Newspaper | Vinyl Club | |
WJHS Radio & TV |
Rush Days, Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2014
As Collin Thibodeaux signs on the dotted line to join the Classics Club, Alex Daigle (left) tries to convince Anthony Smith to do the same. All three are seniors.
Mrs. Wendy Schneider of the Media Arts Club has a couple of possible recruits in senior Chris Caldarera and freshman John Drake.
Pre-freshman Lou Hubbard (second from left) listens to the conversation of Anime Club members - seniors Clay Lococo (left) and Brett Lorio, and sophomore Matthew Guernsey.
As moderator of the Board Games Club, Dr. Cyril Lavagnec explains some of the finer points of the organization to pre-freshmen Kam Muller-Schneider and Zach Neagle.
... as fellow sophomore ruggers Jacob Whitlow and Nate Beech cheer his courage.
Sophomore Mason Graham signs up for the Rugby Club...
Junior Ben Gillen of the Green Club discusses with potential member and senior Matthew Casanova the importance of recycling.
Chorus members Matt O'Neill and Patrick Rappold sing the benefits of joining their group to junior Cameron McCall and sophomore Bailey Termine.
Flanked by math teachers Mrs. Leslie Merritt (left) and Ms. Khan Nguyen, senior numbers whizzes Josh Talbot and Matthew Stuckey pitch MATHCOUNTS and Mu Alpha Theta,
Pre-freshmen Nick Tanet (left) and Chris Scamardo, along with freshman Gabe Dupuy (right) listen as junior Connor Martinez paints a picture of a popular club at Jesuit.
Sophomore John Orazio (left) and junior Peter Espinoza look at photos the MCJROTC has on display.
Senior Andrew Amedee (right) encourages fellow senior Hector Zepeda to sign up for the Spanish Honor Society.
Senior Ethan Garner has some questions about the Spanish Club which he directs to his barely visible classmate, Miles Beech.
Messr. Patrick Benoit, moderator of the French Club, reviews some of the display materials as junior Tommy Nguyen and senior Niick Reilly await the verdict.
Pre-freshman Marseyas Fernandez (left) checks out the materials of the Role-Playing Club whose members - sophomores Austin Ros, Christian Crout, and Colton Bell - hover next to him.
Sophomores Ben Wolf and Kevin Lynch peruse the list of exhibitors.
Senior Patrick Fine, editor of The Blue Jay, displays the Best Printed Newspaper citation earned at the Silver Scribes Award competition earlier this year at Loyola University. Junior Ethan Gilberti is the newspaper's cartoonist, the first one to come along in several years.
Junior Noah Billeaud-LeHotsky explains a Nerf Blaster's capability of projecting foam darts across the Student Commons to a trio interested in the co-curricular group which holds Nerf wars, an interesting way to relieve tension. (Go figure.) Keeping an open mind about the Nerf Club are sophomore Jason Grana and juniors Cade Couvillion and Matt Fuentes.
Junior Ryan Gaudet thinks about his next move against sophomore Karl Hoefer, a member of the Chess Club.
Pre-freshman Scott McKeough (left) listens to senior Stephen Browning extol the virtues of the Bowling Club.