Quiz Bowlers Go Undefeated in Dutchtown Tourney, Head to Regionals

The Varsity Quiz Bowl team: (pictured, from left) sophomore Anthony Stoner, and seniors Mark Alvarez, senior Kevin Yokum (captain), Alex Anderson and Stanley Dai.
Jesui’ts Varsity Quiz Bowl team of sophomore Anthony Stoner, and seniors Mark Alvarez, senior Kevin Yokum (captain), Alex Anderson and Stanley Dai went undefeated to win the Dutchtown tournament on Saturday, Jan. 25. Under the direction of Mr. Brian Yokum the team defeated Dutchtown A in the final 400-185, easily defeating all rivals. Kevin Yokum was the top individual scorer. With this win, the team advances to the Louisiana regional quiz bowl championship this month.
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LouisianaQuizBowl.org – Fall semester All-Stars and Spring semester schedule announced