Jesuit Quiz Bowl Team Wins LAAC State Tournament for 5th Straight Year

Coach Ron Rossi, seniors Andrew Collins, Jack Caliva, Kevin Yokum (captain), Ian Calamari, and Stanley Dai, and parent coach Brian Yokum
Five members of the Varsity Quiz Bowl team defended Jesuit’s championship status by winning the Division 1 State LAAC Championship for the school’s fifth consecutive year. The tournament was held at Northwestern University in Natchitoches on Friday, March 21.
Much as they have done all year, the all-senior team went undefeated to win the Division 1 title. Two members of the team, captain Kevin Yokum and Ian Calamari, are three-year veterans of the State competition. They were joined by Jack Caliva, Andrew Collins, and Stanley Dai.
The team will compete to defend another title – that of NAQT State Champions – on Saturday, March 29 at Tulane University.