Mock Trial Team Places 9th in National Championship Competition

Placing 9th in national mock trial championships were: (from left) sophomore Ross Barilleaux, junior William Tittle, junior Matthew Stuckey, senior Mark Alvarez, senior Charles Farley, junior Patrick Fine, senior Jordan Lacoste, and sophomore John Kemmerly.
The Jesuit Mock Trial Team placed 9th in the National High School Mock Trial Championship held May 9-10 in Madison, WI. Jesuit competed in a field of 46 teams and recorded a record of 3 wins (New Jersey, Mississippi, and New Mexico) and 1 loss (Oregon).
Jesuit’s team, which won the Louisiana state championship in March, included six students, three as attorneys and three as witnesses. Attorneys were senior Mark Alvarez and juniors Patrick Fine and William Tittle, and witnesses were seniors Charles Farley and Jordan Lacoste and junior Matthew Stuckey.
Also attending Nationals were sophomores Ross Barilleaux and John Kemmerly, who helped prepare the team and assisted as timekeepers during the competition.
Jesuit’s success marks only the second time a Louisiana team has cracked the top 10 in national competition.
Jesuit placed 7th in the 2009 National Mock Trial Championship.
The Mock Trial team is coached by Brett Wise ’82, Michael Mentz ’74, and John Becknell and Michael Mims ’05. The team is moderated by Greg Ernst ’83.

Placing 9th in national mock trial championships were: (from left) senior Jordan Lacoste, junior Matthew Stuckey, senior Charles Farley, junior Patrick Fine, junior William Tittle, sophomore John Kemmerly, senior Mark Alvarez, and sophomore Ross Barilleaux, and coaches Brett Wise ’82 and John Becknell ’05.