Friends & Family Celebrate Ordination of New Jesuit Priests

Fr. Nathan O’Halloran, S.J. and Fr. Robert Murphy, S.J. ’95 serve communion at their Mass of Thanksgiving.
Two members of the Jesuit New Orleans community—1995 alumnus Fr. Robert E. Murphy, S.J. and 2008-2011 faculty member Fr. Nathan W. O’Halloran, S.J.—celebrated their recent ordination with friends and family at Jesuit on Saturday, June 21.
The Mass was concelebrated in the Chapel of the North American Martyrs by the newly ordained Jesuit priests in thanksgiving to God for the gift of their vocations. A reception followed in the Student Commons.
Fr. Murphy and Fr. O’ Halloran were ordained as Jesuit priests on Saturday, June 14 in St. Louis, Mo.
More photos to come.
Principal Celebrant: Reverend Robert Murphy, S.J.
Principal Concelebrant: Reverend Nathan O’halloran, S.J.
Concelebrants: Fellow Jesuit Priests
Lectors: Mrs. Kathy Juhas, Mr. Peter Casey
Altar Servers: Mr. Jack Culotta, Jr. ’13, Mr. Peyton Fine ’13, Mr. Matthieu Robert ’12
Music Ministry: Ms. Elizabeth Rizzo, Cantor; Mr. Randall Roberts, Guitar; Mr. Chris Larosa, Piano
A Word of Thanks from Fr. Murphy and Fr. O’Halloran
We would like to take the opportunity to express our appreciation for all those who made today’s celebration possible.
We are very grateful to God for calling us to the religious life and the priesthood to praise and reverence him and serve his people.
We would like to thank our families for their love and support of our vocations.
We want to express our gratitude to our Jesuit brothers for their guidance, help, and companionship.
We are grateful to Fr. Raymond Fitzgerald, S.J. for hosting us, Mr. Randall Roberts for the music, and to Mr. and Mrs. Call for the food.
Finally, we are very appreciative for the prayers and support of all the members of the Jesuit community.
For the Greater Glory of God
Read More – Society of Jesus in the United States to Ordain Nineteen New Priests
Mass of Thanksgiving, June 21, 2014
Family and friends gathered to celebrate Mass with Fr. Robert Murphy, S.J. '95 and Fr. Nathan O'Halloran, S.J.
Kathy Juhas and Peter Casey '11 served as lectors.
Fr. Quang D. Tran, S.J. read the gospel, Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18. Matthieu Robert '12, Peyton Fine '13, and Jack Culotta, Jr. '13 (not pictured) were alter servers.
Fr. Nathan O'Halloran, S.J. led the homily about Corpus Christi.
The principal celebrant, Fr. Robert Murphy, S.J. '95, prepares the Eucharist.
Fr. Nathan O'Halloran, S.J. and Fr. Robert Murphy, S.J. '95 serve communion at their Mass of Thanksgiving.
As the Mass concludes, the congragation begins to follow the processional to a reception in the Student Commons.
Blaine Loupe '13, D.J. Galiano '07, and Paul Wedig '10
Judy and Jose Abadin with Mr. Jason LaLonde, S.J.
The Pinkley family
Peter Casey '11, Brandon Butera '13, James Sampognaro '13, Eric Leefe '03, Jack Culotta, Jr. '13, Jack Caliva '14, and Josh Deblieux '13
Peter Roy with Jan and Carlos Mickan
Joey '79 and Ana Tumminello with Donna and Shannon Slay
Fr. Quang d. Tran, S.J. (who taught here in 2009) with his sister, Nguyet-Hanh Tran, and brother, Hai Tran.
Travis Noto '12, Cal Creel '11, and Randal Agee '11
Sam Johnson '15 and Parker Schmidt '13
Larry and Claire Jacobi, Herman Jacobi, and William Irby
Jack Dardis '59, Guy Chiappeta, Lizzie Rizzo (who served as the cantor for Mass), Nell Chiappeta, and Anne Dardis
Former Jesuit teacher Joseph Willis with his wife, Tara, and children Julia (3), Liam (2), Caleb (6), and Kolbe (7).
Laura and John Smestad, Jr. '92 with music minister Chris LaRosa.
Chris and Kelly Pousson with children Jack (2) and Peter (10 months), Sheila Hogben, and Kim and Vince White.
(Standing) Bob Quintana '55 and Hiep Tran with (seated) Francis and Kathy Zipple, Le Tran, and Sister Madonna
Jeremy Vezina '13, Christopher Stephen '13, and John Mitton '14
(Standing) Erick, Erick C. '95, Melanie, and Christiam Aertker (8), Lisa Taylor, and Patrick Aertker (2) with (sitting) Mary Lee Aertker and Mary Taylor
(Standing) Joe Lahatte and Bryan Stephens with (stting) Mary Anne Stephens, Mr. John Peck, S.J., and Jonnie Lahatte
Jesuit teacher, Nilda Rivera, and Academic Assistant Principal Kathy Juhas
Paul Mickan '10 and Principal Peter Kernion '90
Fr. Robert Murphy, S.J. '95 with his family: Bryan and Roxanne Murphy Huesman and Margo and Bob Murphy
John Barbara '10, Fr. Nathan O'Halloran, S.J., and Brian Barbara '11
Fr. Robert Murphy, S.J. '95 with Elaine and John-Michael Warriner '11
Fr. Raymond Fitzgerald, S.J. with Tricia, Taylor '72, and Peter Casey '11