Blue Jay Debaters Win Sweepstakes Award at Holy Cross Tournament

In Public Forum debate, the team of junior Andrew Cerise and senior Mako Giordano succeeded in winning 1st place.
Jesuit’s debaters won a Sweepstakes Award recognizing an incredible display of ability at the Holy Cross Navy and Old Gold National Tournament on Oct. 3-4. The award was earned in the debate category by the concerted effort of all the Jesuit debaters and the total awards won in their debates.
Holy Cross Navy and Old Gold National Tournament
In Public Forum debate, the team of junior Andrew Cerise and senior Mako Giordano succeeded in winning first place after a close finals round. The final verdict was a 2-1 decision in favor of the Cerise-Giordano team. In addition to a first place trophy, Cerise and Giordano became the third team in Jesuit debate history to win a Public Forum bid to the Tournament of Champions.
In Novice Lincoln-Douglas debate, pre-freshman Jack Zvonek won a third place trophy at the first tournament of his career. In Advanced Lincoln-Douglas debate, freshman Robert Cerise and junior Arjun Verma finished the competition with fifth place trophies and junior Ben Gillen won third place after an admirable effort in the semifinals round.
Round Robin Invitational
Congratulations are also in order for the Jesuit Public Forum team of Rishab Chimmanamada and Mayank Mardia who placed second at the Holy Cross Navy and Old Gold Public Forum Round Robin, a prestigious national invitational, which took place following the regular Holy Cross tournament.
On Oct. 16, a group of Jesuit’s top debaters will fly to New York to face teams from across the nation at Bronx Science’s national tournament.