Quiz Bowl Teams Take First Place in Lusher Tournament

The 2013-2014 Varsity Quiz Bowl team members are (from left) seniors Jack Caliva, Ian Calamari, Stanley Dai, and Kevin Yokum, and junior Patrick Fine, senior Jim Huang, senior Jordan Lacoste, and senior Andrew Collins.
Two of four Quiz Bowl teams took first place in the Lusher Tournament on Saturday, Nov. 16. The all-senior varsity team of captain Kevin Yokum, Ian Calamari, Jack Caliva, and Stanley Dai won 7 of 8 games, making this their third straight tournament win. Kevin also won second highest scorer in the tournament. The second varsity team of senior Jim Huang (captain) and juniors Andrew Collins, Jordan Lacoste, and Patrick Fine went 5-3.
The junior varsity team of sophomore captain Mayank Mardia, freshman Mitchell Barras, and pre-freshmen Reese Leonhard, Manuel Molina, and Eddie Redmann, Mitchell Barras and William Brown also won first with only one game lost. The second JV team of sophomore captain Andrew Cerise, sophomore Stephen Owers, freshman William Fine, and pre-freshman Robert Cerise came in second, losing only to the other Jesuit team.