MCJROTC Receives High Marks in Annual Inspection
Lieutenant Colonel Mark Stroman USMC (ret.), the Director of the 5th MCJROTC Region, conducted an Inspector General’s inspection of the Jesuit High School MCJROTC Program on Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2013, at Jesuit on Will Clark Field. The inspection included a personnel inspection of the Battalion, drill by five platoons, and a review of the administration and operation of the Program. LtCol. Stroman was aided in his inspection by thirteen Marines from Marine Forces Reserve Headquarters in Algiers.
The personnel inspection went very well with 37 cadets being graded as outstanding. First Platoon, A Company, led by Cadet Second Lieutenant senior Alex Scalco, was graded as best in drill, and Second Platoon, B Company, led by Cadet Second Lieutenant junior John Grieco, had the highest average inspection score. There were no discrepancies on the administration of the program, which received a grade of Fully Mission Capable.
MCJROTC Annual Inspection, Nov. 19, 2013
Cadets pre-freshman John Howell and junior Evan Flynn being inspected.
Gunnery Sergeant Cheatham eyeballs Cadet Second Lieutenant junior John Grieco.
In the front row, junior Khari Friloux and pre-freshman Cari Robinson stand beside cadets pre-freshmen Johnny Williams as he gets inspected.
The Cadet Battalion being inspected by Marines from Marine Forces Reserve HQ.
The MCJROTC Band, led by Cadet Second Lieutenant senior Charlie Kurts, awaits inspection.
The Battalion Staff, led by Cadet Captain senior Brett Dipuma, awaits the personnel inspection.
The officers and guides of the Jesuit MCJROTC Battalion stand with Lieutenant Colonel Stroman.
The Region 5 Director, LtCol. Mark Stroman USMC (ret), stands between seniors Cadet Sergeant Major James Szeszycki and Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Garrett Wolff.
Second Platoon, A Company, led by Cadet Second Lieutenant junior Matthew Subervielle, conducts drill.
Second Platoon, B Company, led by Cadet Second Lieutenant junior John Grieco, conducts drill under the watchful eye of Lieutenant Colonel Stroman.
Second Platoon, B Company, led by Cadet Second Lieutenant junior John Grieco, conducts drill.
First Platoon, A Company, led by Cadet Second Lieutenant senior Alex Scalco, conducts drill. A-1 was judged as the best drill platoon during the inspection.
Second Platoon, B Company, led by Cadet Second Lieutenant senior Austin Galy, conducts drill.
The MCJROTC Band conducts basic drill during the inspection.
The Color Guard, led by Cadet Second Lieutenant junior John Grieco, conducts basic drill during the inspection. Other cadets in the Color guard are (l to r) junior Andrew Liang, junior Keith Gonzales, and junior Evan Flynn.