College Reps from Near and Far Show Their Colors to Blue Jays

Juniors Jonathan Legier and Rishab Chimmanamada show an interest in spending time studying in Italy as they look for more information about John Cabot University in Rome.
Blue Jays and their parents visited with university representatives at Jesuit’s College Fair Night on Sunday, Sept. 29. Colleges showed off their colors throughout the Student Commons, in classrooms on the first floor, and in the cafeteria. Jesuit college guidance staff said roughly 60 sophomores, 165 juniors, and 75 seniors attended with their families.
Representatives from more than 70 institutions (see table below), both domestic and international, spoke with Jesuit students and their parents. Also, a representative from the Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance (LOSFA) was on hand to provide information about financing.
This annual event provides a great opportunity for students and parents to visit with multiple college admission representatives and learn in depth information about specific college campuses.
MCJROTC students did a stellar job assisting the college representatives, helping with set up, and directing parking for the event.
Colleges Represented at the 2013 Fall College Fair Night |
Auburn University (AL) | Belmont Abbey College (NC) |
Birmingham – Southern College (AL) | Boston College (MA) |
Centenary College (LA) | Colgate University (NY) |
College of Charleston (SC) | College of the Holy Cross (MA) |
Cornell University (NY) | Delgado Community College (LA) |
Dillard University (LA) | Emory University (GA) |
Furman University (SC) | Georgetown University (DC) |
Grinnell College (IA) | Hamilton College (NY) |
Hampden-Sydney College (VA) | Howard University (DC) |
Iona College (NY) | John Cabot University in Rome (Italy) |
Louisiana State University (LA) | Louisiana Tech University (LA) |
Loyola Marymount University (CA) | Loyola University New Orleans (LA) |
Millsaps College (MS) | Mississippi State University (MS) |
Nicholls State University (LA) | Northwestern State University (LA) |
Oglethorpe University (GA) | Our Lady of Holy Cross College (LA) |
Our Lady of the Lake (LA) | Providence College (RI) |
Regis College (MA) | Rhodes College (TN) |
Saint Edward’s University (TX) | Saint John’s College (MD) |
Saint Louis University (MO) | Sewanee: The University of the South (TN) |
Southeastern Louisiana University (LA) | Southern Methodist University (TX) |
Spring Hill College (AL) | Stonehill College (MA) |
The Art Institute of Houston (TX) | The Catholic University of America (DC) |
Tulane University (LA) | United States Air Force Academy (CO) |
United States Merchant Marine Academy (NY) | United States Naval Academy (MD) |
University of Alabama (AL) | University of Dallas (TX) |
University of Detroit Mercy (MI) | University of Georgia (GA) |
University of Louisiana – Lafayette (LA) | University of Louisiana – Monroe (LA) |
University of Massachusetts Amherst (MA) | University of Miami (FL) |
University of Mississippi (MS) | University of New Orleans (LA) |
University of Notre Dame (IN) | University of San Francisco (CA) |
University of South Alabama (AL) | University of Southern Mississippi (MS) |
University of Virginia (VA) | Vanderbilt University (TN) |
Villanova University (PA) | Wake Forest University (NC) |
Washington & Lee University (VA) | Washington University in St. Louis (MO) |
Wheeling Jesuit University (WV) | William Carey University (MS) |
Wofford College (SC) | Xavier University of Louisiana (LA) |
College Fair Night, Sept. 29, 2013
Senior Paul Cousins and father Mark '74 visit the Rhodes College rep.
University of Alabama had a room bustling with interested students.
Seamus O'Donnell '89 represents his college alma mater, Texas Christian Unversity.
All members of the guidance staff attended to facilitate the event. Greeting students at the entrance of the Student Commons are Aurora Daigle, Elizabeth Hoodless, Allie Timberlake, and Molly Roberts.
Sophomores Stephen Hoorman and Andrew Mieras peruse future college options.
Junior Alex Daigle and father Rocky '85 learn more about Villanova University.
MCJROTC pre-freshman Nicholas Ho, Mel Allen, and Seth Roche do some "window shopping," looking through college admissions brochures.
Senior Peter Hontas visits the rep for Southern Methodist University in Dallas.
Juniors Jonathan Legier and Rishab Chimmanamada show an interest in spending time studying in Italy as they look for more information about John Cabot University in Rome.
A representative from the University of Georgia speaks at length about what the school has to offer this Blue Jay.
Col. Frank Arenmann (retired AF Colonel) and Eileen Hofrichter represent the U.S. Air Force Academy.