Blue Jays Attend St. Francis Borgia Leadership Institute Workshop

Student activities director Matt Orillion ’98 helps students formulate action plans during the St. Francis Borgia Leadership Institute Workshop on Wednesday, July 31 in St. Ignatius Hall.
Students representing almost every team, club, and organization at Jesuit spent a productive day on Wednesday, July 31 at the St. Francis Borgia Institute workshop. Coordinated by student activities director Matt Orillion ’98, the workshop featured a keynote address by social studies teacher and attorney Greg Ernst ’83. Speakers also included administrators, faculty, and young alumni. Presentations were made by Orillion and Jesuit president Fr. Raymond Fitzgerald, S.J. ’76. Participants used a multi-voting process to identify Jesuit’s strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities, then broke into smaller groups for discussions and to formulate action plans. The workshop was organized by Jesuit’s Student Activities and Institutional Advancement offices.
St. Francis Borgia Leadership Institute Workshop, July 31, 2013
Student activities director Matt Orillion ’98 welcomes more than 50 Blue Jays representing almost every club, sport, and organization on campus.
Four young alumni returned to participate in the morning session: Alan Gaudet ’13, James Sampognaro ’13, Matt Dupre ’12, and Keith Wright ’13.
Using St. Ignatius's Prayer for Generosity as his template, social studies teacher and attorney Greg Ernst ’83 delivered the keynote address.
Jesuit president Fr. Raymond Fitzgerald ’76 talked with students about St. Francis Borgia and gave several warnings for students along with corresponding virtues.
After the presentations and SWOT study to identify Jesuit’s strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities, students broke off into eight small groups to form action plans. This group talked about building on academic strengths.
This group spent their time looking for ways to spotlight and promote Jesuit tradition.
Members of this group talked about college selection.
These Blue Jays talked about strengthening the connection between teachers and students.
Discussing discipline was this group’s task.
Mr. Orillion listened in on these Blue Jays who focused on grade-level unity.
Students also provided input — all of which is being provided to the administration — in the area of Jesuit’s curriculum.
The final grouping identified better ways for clubs and organizations to communicate with each other.
Students wrapped up their work around 3 p.m. and, after filling out an uation, headed home to soak up the remaining days of summer.