Blue Jay From the Class of 2001 to Appear on Jeopardy!
Jesuit history teacher and quiz bowl coach Ron Rossi will be glued to his television on Tuesday, October 15, rooting for one of his former students. Stuart Anderson from the Class of 2001 will be the latest in a string of Blue Jays to appear on Jeopardy! Anderson’s program, which was recorded earlier this year, is scheduled to air on FOX 8 in New Orleans at 6 p.m. or immediately following FOX’s broadcast of the Detroit vs. Boston Major League Baseball playoff game.
Anderson, who is currently stationed in Italy with the Air Force, was a member of Jesuit’s varsity quiz bowl team from 1999-2001, helping his Blue Jay squad win three divisional titles and one state championship.
Chris Fleitas ’99, a college counselor and quiz bowl coach at Bellarmine Prep — a Jesuit high school in San Jose, California — appeared on three episodes of the program in 2012.
Michael Becker from the Class of 1987, now a Northshore neurologist, won $5,000 in Jeopardy’s inaugural teen tournament. He saved the money and later used it to buy his wife’s engagement ring.
And Kevin Marshall, a 2003 alumnus, pocketed $110,201 (before taxes) in 2006. Marshall appeared on nine programs, including the game show’s Tournament of Champions. Marshall teaches Latin and English, and moderates the quiz bowl team at Archbishop Chapelle High School in Metairie.
Another Blue Jay, Kevin Yokum, a current senior, appeared on Jeopardy!’s Kids Week in on July 17, 2009, taking home $35,599. Again, before taxes. According to Kevin’s father Brian, who assists Rossi with the current Jesuit quiz bowl team, Kevin’s cash is stashed away for future spending.
Anderson was not allowed to tell his former teacher how he fared. Mr. Rossi and the rest of us will find out on October 15.