Archbishop Gregory Aymond Celebrates School Mass

Posted October 2, 2013 / Last updated March 25, 2014

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Archbishop Gregory Aymond celebrates Mass in the Chapel of the North American Martyrs with the Jesuit school community.

Archbishop Gregory Aymond celebrates Mass in the Chapel of the North American Martyrs with the Jesuit school community.

Archbishop Gregory Aymond celebrated Mass with the Jesuit school community on Wednesday, Oct. 2 in the Chapel of the North American Martyrs. It was the Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels. Mass was concelebrated by Fathers Raymond Fitzgerald, Donald Saunders, Nicholas Schiro, William Farge, and John Brown — all members of the Society of Jesus.

In his homily, the Archbishop told the congregation that “Guardian angels are messengers from God who carry his dreams for our lives, and bring us closer to the Lord.”


Archbishop Aymond Celebrates School Mass

School Mass Homily: "Angels Among Us"