Senior Frank Young III Earns Spot in LMEA All-State Concert Band

Senior Frank Young III has been selected to perform with the Louisiana Music Educators Association (LMEA) All-State Concert Band. Young, the 2025 Blue Jay Marching Band drum major who plays the clarinet, earned this prestigious opportunity through a rigorous audition process and will perform under the direction of the renowned clinician Amanda Drinkwater.
Participation in the LMEA All-State Concert Band is a significant achievement, highlighting Young’s dedication and talent in music. The selection process involved two rounds of auditions. Initially, students must qualify through their respective LMEA district auditions. Successful candidates from this first round then advance to the state level for a second audition.
The All-State Concert Band offers selected students the unique experience of performing under nationally recognized ensemble directors. This year, the ensemble will showcase its talents during the LMEA’s High School Band Concert, with the performance scheduled for January 19, 2025. This event brings together talented musicians from grades 9–12 across Louisiana, providing them with an invaluable opportunity to learn and grow under expert guidance.
Jesuit congratulates Frank Young III on this remarkable accomplishment and looks forward to his performance at the All-State Concert Band concert. His achievement reflects not only his personal dedication but also the supportive environment provided by Jesuit’s music program.