Fr. Robert Murphy, S.J. ’95, Pronounces Final Vows to Society of Jesus

On Sunday, June 6, in the presence of hundreds of friends, colleagues, and family members, Fr. Robert Murphy, S.J. ’95, pronounced his final vows in the Chapel of the North American Martyrs. For this special Mass celebrated by Fr. Provincial Tom Green, S.J. ’81, an impressive 12 Jesuit priests and four scholastics and novices participated. The long list of Jesuits participating included:
- Fr. Provincial Tom Green, S.J. ’81
- Fr. RV Baylón, S.J.
- Fr. David Brown, S.J.
- Fr. Michael Dooley, S.J. ’73
- Fr. Randy Gibbens, S.J. ’95
- Fr. Douglas Hypolite, S.J.
- Fr. Christopher Kellerman, S.J.
- Fr. Larry Moore, S.J.
- Fr. Robert Murphy, S.J. ’95
- Fr. Nathan O’Hallaran, S.J.
- Fr. Aaron Pidel, S.J.
- Fr. Daniel Tesvich, S.J.
- Jason Britsch, nS.J. ’12
- Paolo Taffaro, nS.J.
- Christopher Ross, nS.J. ’18
- Jorge Roque, S.J.
At the conclusion of the Mass, which took place on the Solemnity of Pentecost, Murphy thanked those in attendance and made several special acknowledgments.
“I want to thank all the Jesuits, lectors, servers, musicians, and friends who have come together today to make this Vow Mass possible,” he said. “[To everyone present], I want you to know how grateful I am for your prayers, friendship, support, and encouragement over these many years.”
He also gave “a special thanks to my parents, Bob and Margo, and my sister, Roxanne, and her family, for their love and support over these many years of my Jesuit vocation.”

Murphy has been focused on promoting vocations to the Jesuits for the USA Central and Southern (UCS) Province of the society, and during his homily at the Mass he outlined his own vocation story. While he had deep spiritual experiences as a Blue Jay and as a participant in a number of TEC (Teens Encounter Christ) retreats, he pursued a traditional college path after graduating from Jesuit. After graduating from the University of South Alabama with a physical therapy degree and practicing in that field from 1999 to 2003, he entered the Jesuit novitiate. Murphy earned his master’s in divinity and Licentiate in Sacred Theology at Boston College and was ordained in 2014. He worked in various ministries in Texas, Louisiana, and Missouri before his tertianship (the final stage of Jesuit formation) and final vows.