Jays Return to Campus In Hurricane Aftermath

In the aftermath of Hurricane Ida, Jesuit students and faculty returned to campus on September 13 to resume classes. With the campus suffering minimal lasting damage and with utilities fully restored, the school week picked up on Monday with a traditional Monday morning assembly.

Student body president Joseph Liberto addressed the student body, acknowledging that the year’s circumstances have brought unforeseen challenges. “What I do know,” Liberto said in spite of these challenges, “is that we are 1,300 brothers plus faculty and staff who are willing to help. I do know that we can control out attitude going forwards. This is still our comeback year.”
For information about this week, parents and students should check the latest daily announcements as well as Canvas for adjustments to each class’s academic schedule. Families can also review principal Peter Kernion’s letter to families below for details about the school’s return to campus.
Dear Parents,
With each passing day, there are new signs of hope as we work towards a full recovery from Hurricane Ida. Given the available projections regarding the city’s critical infrastructure and services, Jesuit High School plans to implement distance/home learning beginning Monday, September 13. Students will check Canvas where they will be directed by their teachers through a variety of learning activities: posted assignments, recorded lectures, and some synchronous activities.
This period of home learning will focus specifically on learning activities rather than on graded assessments. Although we have not yet established a particular date, we are preparing for a return to campus as soon as circumstances allow. In the meantime, once we have power and internet restored to campus, we are exploring options to make our facilities available to students who need access to campus resources.
All co-curricular activities are still suspended until further notice. The football games and cross country and swim meets scheduled through September 13 have been cancelled.
The Ring Mass and Ring Dance have been postponed to a later date that has not yet been determined, but we still intend to have both of these events.
We will have other changes to our school calendar that will be communicated once this situation develops further and we are able to make informed final decisions.
Thank you again for your patience and understanding during this time, and we will continue to pray for the safety and well-being of all who have been affected by this storm.