Senior Week Starts a New Chapter for the Class of 2021

Monday 4/26 – College Shirt Day & Karaoke
Senior Week – five days of festivity surrounding the last full week of senior classes – began on Monday with the seniors spending lunch together belting out ballads and donning shirts from colleges they will be attending next school year.
Tuesday 4/27 – Slip & Slide on Will Clark Field

It just takes a few feet of plastic sheeting, orange traffic cones, and dish soap to make one awesome slip ‘n slide. Seniors found themselves slipping and sliding through lunch on their second day of Senior Week. Many of the student gliders went with the traditional baseball slide, others dove head-first, while the truly brave attempted to run across the 30+ feet of plastic sheeting.
Wednesday 4/28 – Senior Superlatives & Five Happiness Lunch
Members of the Class of 2021 enjoyed their final senior lunch from 5 Happiness Restaurant as senior president, Zack Jaubert, presented the “Senior Superlatives” in the Student Commons. With awards ranging from “Most Likely to Become a Priest,” to “Most Likely to Drive a Tracker,” the satirical awards had seniors in stitches with memories from their time together as Blue Jays.
Thursday 4/29 – Field Day, Jambalaya Lunch, & Senior Exodus

For Lunch, the seniors enjoyed bowls of spicy jambalaya while they watched their fellow classmates compete against each other in a quick game of cabbage ball. The savory jambalaya was generously cooked by Mr. Bill Poynot and served by members of the faculty. Fun activities like the jambalaya lunch and cabbage ball game are an annual rite of passage that rewards the upperclassmen for their hard work and exemplary behavior throughout their final year as high school students.
Later that day it was hard to hear the sound of the 3:10 p.m. dismissal bell as Jesuit’s Traditions Courtyard was overwhelmed with the chorus of running seniors hootin’ and hollerin’ on their way to Will Clark Field. In matching “21 Seniors” t-shirts they gathered together and celebrated their final day of classes as Jesuit seniors.
Friday 4/30 – Senior Day

On Friday morning, the seniors put on their khaki uniforms for the last time as Blue Jays and started off the day with the Tour de Khaki. They rallied their bikes in the schoolyard and rode down Banks from Solomon to the end and back. followed by beignets from the newly opened Morning Call in the courtyard.

After breakfast, they gathered for a senior assembly in the Traditions Courtyard, the first and only one to be held for the 2020-2021 school year.

The Class of 2021’s final word to the school was given from student council president Tripp Haddad in the State of the Blue Jay Address, a tradition that was started in 1994.

After being formally dismissed from their final Morning Assembly as Jesuit students, seniors made their way to the chapel steps to take their official group picture. The Class of 2021 then gathered in the Will Clark Feild to take part in one of the newer Senior Week traditions at Jesuit — amassing the autographs of their classmates and beloved faculty and administration on their uniform shirts.

Then the seniors made their way into the Auditorium to participate in the Senior Showcase, a chance for Blue Jays to share their talents — and a few laughs — with their classmates. They were then welcomed into the Alumni Association by Alumni Director Mike Prados ’83, who introduced alum Dr. Roland Waguespack ’92, who spoke to them about his experience at the ER at EJ this past year and how his Jesuit education has influenced his commitment to serving others. He left the seniors with a positive and inspiring message about their futures. The class was also addressed by school chaplain Fr. Kevin Dyer, S.J., and senior class president Zack Jaubert. On their way out, the seniors were presented with a Jesuit alumnus keychain by alumni faculty.

They then changed into their costumes for a spirited pep rally in the Benson Arena, something that they were not able to have earlier in the year. The day ended with a crawfish boil in the courtyard, provided by the alumni office.