Lacrosse Heads into Playoffs Following Back-to-Back Victories

On Saturday, April 24, the Jesuit lacrosse team (6–0 for the season) had two causes for celebration: the team’s annual senior game and a solid 17–4 victory over Brother Martin at Jefferson Playground. Before the game, lacrosse seniors met their parents at midfield to thank their family for supporting them throughout their high school years.
The team went on to follow up with another victory against St. Paul’s Episcopal, settling the competition with a final score of 22–3.
Jesuit vs. Brother Martin
Against Brother Martin, all-around effort from both the offense and the defense won the day. Senior attack Andrew Brown lead the offense with five goals and four assists, but Brown shared the spotlight with fellow seniors Evan Centola (who scored three goals), Jack Unger (three goals), and Gavin Fitzpatrick (two goals). Points were also contributed by seniors Michael Yarborough, Mac Schwarzenbach, Dickson Chamberlain, and Max Milano.
In addition to his offensive feats, middie Unger characteristically controlled the center of the field with seven ground ball pickups and face-off wins for eight of his nine attempts. Not to be outdone by his senior middie counterpart, junior George Martin won eight of his own 12 face-offs.
Ethan Lago protected Jesuit’s goal from seven of 11 total Crusader attempts. Also on defense, sophomores Grant Piacun and Austin Stuke each picked up four ground balls and forced three turnovers, securing the Blue Jay win.

Blue Jay lacrosse seniors at the 2021 senior game
Jesuit vs. St. Paul’s Episcopal
Against St. Paul’s Episcopal on Saturday, May 1, Brown once again unleashed his offensive skills against the Saints from Alabama, scoring eight goals and assisting five times. While Miller Farnsworth and Bill Daley joined a cadre of senior attacks and middies (including Centola, Schwarzenbach, Unger, and Chamberlain) who added who points to the board, junior David Martin and sophomore Michael Welsh each took a successful shot at St. Paul’s goal, ensuring some underclassmen representation in the Jays’ formidable 22 points.
Unger once again dominated the middle of the field, picking up 20 ground balls and winning every one of his 22 face-offs. With Jesuit winning 26 of the game’s 28 face-offs, St. Paul’s was under constant pressure for the entire matchup.
Alongside a strong middie performance, the defense held the Saints to nine attempts on the Blue Jay goal with Lago blocking five of those attempts and freshman goalie Ben Brockhoff making a save of his own.
2021 LHSLL Playoffs
The lacrosse team is set to play in the LHSLL quarterfinals in Lafayette at St. Thomas More on Saturday, May 8. The team’s opponent and game time have not yet been determined. LHSLL semifinals and finals will be played in Shreveport on May 15 and 16.