Another Game, Another Mercy Rule Victory for Retif

Retif has come out and given the fans something to scream about as they win their second game 16-0 in five innings behind a complete effort from Retif Oil and Fuel.
The team scored an impressive four runs in the first inning on Saturday to cement an early lead. The team wasted even less time on Monday and scored 11 runs to never give Gulf Coast Office a chance for a come-back.
The most impressive aspect of the game was the consistency throughout. Each batter never wasted an at-bat, and the squad made no errors in the field, even when the score was out of reach.
Focus and determination make this team scary against any opponent, and Zach Casebonne hitting 330-foot homers does not hurt either.
While Gulf Coast Office walked multiple runs in for Retif, the team piled up seven hits including Casebonne’s homer, Joel Terry’s moon shot triple, and another triple by Tripp Haddad. Every at-bat was exciting because of the patience each batter showed–that is what truly put the game out of reach.
As for pitching and defense, Holden Hess, Austin Hardouin, J.P. Hernandez, and Preston Berggren combined to pitch a one-hitter over five innings. Giovanni Licciardi made the defensive play of the day with a diving stab at third in the last inning.
The Retif Oil and Fuel American Legion baseball team will look to continue their dominance on Wednesday against Townsend Homes (Blue) at 1 p.m. at Saint Charles Catholic.