Class of 1974 Celebrates 45 Years at City Park

Reunion chair Bill Babin (far left) greets classmates as they enter the Bayou Oaks Filmore Room. Slaten Finger (2nd from right) is sporting his old football jersey.
View Photo Gallery from the Class of 1974 Stag Reunion!
On Friday night, May 17, Blue Jays from the Class of 1974 reunited in the Filmore Room at Bayou Oaks at City Park to celebrate 45 years since graduating.
Thanks to the hard work of longtime reunion chair Bill Babin, 45 classmates attended the 45-year reunion. Babin and his committee hope to double that number as they already begin brainstorming ideas for their golden anniversary 50-year reunion.
Congratulations to the Blue Jay brothers of the Class of ’74. See you in five years!
Class of 1974, Stag Reunion, May 17, 2019
Kenny Prados, Rocky St. Pierre, and Robert Velez
Al Theriot and Webster Veade
Mac Macaluso, Jimmy Trinchard, Mike Cougevan, and Mickey Hubbell
Mike Mentz, Greg Zeringue, Brian Behlar, and Steve Gaffney
Class reunion chair Bill Babin greets Lou Ballero, parent of Michael Ballero '07, who was passing through the clubhouse after a round of golf.
Eddie Fitzmaurice, Mike O'Dwyer, Greg Hoffman, Kevin Alfortish, and Peter Knecht
Class of 1974 Reunion committee
Jimmy Ripple and Mark Reuter
Mark Dauer and Kevin Rieth
Al Jeandron, Andy Daigle, and Corky Potts
Warren Bourgeois and Stephen McKenna
Bayou Oaks clubhouse entry
Class of 1974