Sodality, Class of ’84 Assemble for Winter Clothing Drive
Following last year’s success, Jesuit’s Sodality and the Class of 1984 are once again joining forces for the Winter Clothing Drive, collecting cold-weather items for the Harry Tompson Center (HTC).
At Friday morning’s assembly in Traditions Courtyard, freshman Sodalist Mitchell Stevens took to the podium to introduce alumnus speaker Evans Schmidt ’84. For the fourth straight year, Jesuit’s 9th grade Sodality and the Class of 1984 are leading the collection of winter clothing items for the men and women served by the HTC.
Watch the Video from Morning Assembly
Founded by Fr. Harry Tompson, S.J., the HTC provides day shelter for the chronically homeless. As part of the center’s extensive programming, the HTC aims to reintegrate as many homeless as possible back into mainstream society, helping to meet their most basic needs by providing clothing and personal hygiene items. To further its meaning, a volunteer from the center will speak to Sodality students about homelessness in New Orleans, as well as HTC’s work in combating it. At the drive’s conclusion, alumni and students will deliver the donations to the HTC.

Alumni director Mat Grau ’68, winter clothing drive representative Evans Schmidt ’84, and admissions director Bret Hanemann ’85
In addition to new socks and underwear, gently-used winter coats and gloves, warm hats, shoes, belts, and backpacks, check out other items on the Harry Tompson Center’s wish list here.
Jesuit’s Winter Clothing Drive is a subset of the Harry Tompson Clothing Drive. The Class of 1984 and the freshman Sodality placed collection bins around the school building, and they reminded students that the drive begins on January 14 and ends on January 25.
The Class of 1984 thanks the Jesuit High community in advance for any and all donations.