Incoming Students and Their Parents Receive Big Blue Jay Welcome

Admissions director Bret Hanemann ’85 visits with members of the Capo family – Angela, Joseph, and Bonnie – at the reception in the Traditions Courtyard.
As the 2017-2018 school year draws to a close, preparations for next school year are already under way! On Saturday, May 12, Welcome Day for New Blue Jays and Parents hosted the more than 300 incoming students and their parents for a special presentation and reception.
View the Photo Gallery from Welcome Day for New Blue Jays and Parents
Formerly two events – one for the incoming students and another for their parents – the now combined event teemed with the excitement of starting new academic careers and making new friends. Big Brothers were also on hand to show the way to the newest Jays and to meet the parents of their Little Brothers for the first time.
Welcome Day, originally scheduled for April 14, had to be postponed due to severe weather. This time around, the sun was shining bright on the new faces that got to enjoy their new campus. Upon arrival, the program began in the Jesuit auditorium with words of welcome from admissions director Bret Hanemann ’85. Jesuit president Fr. Christopher Fronk, S.J., then spoke about the history of the Society of Jesus, touching on hallmark features of Jesuit education. Students were then dismissed to the newly-renovated gym, while their parents remained in the auditorium.

Student body president Down Fife and vice-president Joseph Ernst introduce new students to the history of their new school.
Parents then heard about the history of the high school, presented by alumni director Mat Grau ’68. School principal Peter Kernion ’90 then spent time giving an overview of many programs of formation at Jesuit. After hearing about the features of the Jesuit website from communications director Jeremy Reuther ’01, new parents then were presented with opportunities to meaningfully connect with Jesuit by the director for institutional advancement Tom Bagwill.
Across Banks Street, incoming students and their Big Brothers heard from Mr. Hanemann, who introduced student council executive board members Dowen Fife and Joseph Ernst. After giving an overview of Jesuit history, Fife and Ernst turned the microphone over to Langston Goldenberg, who taught new students some of Blue Jays’ most beloved cheers. New students then had the opportunity to meet coaches and moderators of student organization so they can hit the ground running by getting involved when they arrive in August.
Welcome Day concluded with a reception for parents in the Student Commons and one for students in the Traditions Courtyard. Parents had a chance to mingle with other incoming parents and meet members of the school’s administration. In addition to being able to purchase Blue Jay clothing and spirit items from the Blue Jay shop, families were also given a complimentary copy of Gallant Fighting Sons, the book which chronicles the history of Jesuit, and three complimentary Blue Jay patches.
New Blue Jays will catch back up with their Big Brothers again in August for Book Day and New Student Orientation. The Big Brother program is just one way that new students learn Blue Jay traditions and receive the support they need for a successful transition to high school.
Welcome Day for New Blue Jays and Parents, May 12, 2018
Families gather in the Jesuit auditorium to begin Welcome Day for New Blue Jays and Parents.
Admissions director Bret Hanemann '85 opens the presentation with a few words of welcome.
Parents and students sit together for the opening remarks.
Jesuit president Fr. Christopher Fronk, S.J., adds his personal greeting and...
...centers his remarks on the distinctive educational features of the Society of Jesus.
Students and their Big Brothers then leave the auditorium for the gym.
Alumni director Mat Grau '68 resumes the presentation for parents...
...with a brief history of Jesuit High School.
Peter Kernion '90, Jesuit's principal, gives a snapshot of life at Jesuit today.
Meanwhile, new Blue Jays take their seats in the newly renovated gym.
Student body president Dowen Fife educates incoming students about the traditions of their new school.
Student body vice-president Joseph Ernst adds his commentary to the presentation.
Fife and Ernst talk to the Jays...
...who sit with their Big Brothers in the stands.
Senior class president Langston Goldenberg then gets the crowd going...
- teaching them many of the student body's favorite cheers.
New students rise to the occasion...
...and rise to their feet at the end of the cheering.
Mr. Hanemann then introduces coaches and moderators who are on hand to talk to incoming students.
Coach Earl Johnson '13 spoke to students about the football program.
Head basketball coach Chris Jennings '78 spoke next ...
...followed by head baseball coach Kenny Goodlett.
Matthew Nata and Lucas Deane add the Blue Jay Band to the mix of ways to get involved at Jesuit.
LtCol. Tim Huete '76 speaks to incoming students about the ROTC program.
Roland Waguespack, Dylan Cummins, and Killian Lyon
Nick Cibilich and Rowan Bourdais
Scott and Barbie Landry, Michele Musgrave, and Fr. Kevin Dyer, S.J.
Caroline Wegmann greets new parents to inform them about ways to get involved.
Tom Bagwill visits with the Fee family – Adeline, Caroline, and Dart Fee III '92
Luis and Andrea Espinoza, Julie Caesar, and Tara Berner
Max Gruenig '06 was on hand to hand out hamburgers and hot dogs to new students
Mario Interiano, Sr. with son Mario Interiano, Jr., and Big Brother Andrew Burger
Harry Reinhardt with his Big Brother, Cameron Ray
Dawn Bauer, her son Ethan Bauer, and Ethan's Big Brother Jacob Kieff
Angela Capo, admissions director Bret Hanemann '85, Joseph Capo, and Bonnie Capo