Calling All Alumni! 2016-17 LEF Drive Is Off the Hook

The Class of 1991 has a strong showing of callers: (top, from left) Ryan LeBlanc, Greg Nolan, Vinnie Varisco, (bottom, from left) Todd DiMaggio, Hunter Higgins, and Ryan Gootee.
Jesuit alumni from 1934 to 2012 are answering the most important call they receive each year — the invitation to help keep their alma mater an affordable school of excellence.
Hundreds of Blue Jays returned to Carrollton and Banks for the fall LEF calling campaign on Tuesday, Oct. 11 through Thursday, Oct. 13, to connect with classmates, talk about the old times, and to ask their classmates to financially support their high school. Both groups get an A+. More than 200 callers tallied almost 1,100 pledges totaling more than $400,000 over three action-packed nights.
The 2016-17 LEF drive is being led by chairman Ian Blanchard ’03, who is being assisted by last year’s chairman Marc Bonifacic ’92 and 2017-18 chairman John Zollinger ’85.
“Our goal for this year is 4,000 donors and $1.5 million, and I have every reason to believe we will get there,” said Blanchard. “Giving back is something we learned when we were in school and gladly do today in appreciation for the education we received and to keep the school we love at the top of the class.”
As of Monday, Oct. 17, 2,181 had pledged $855,000 to offset Jesuit’s operational expenses, which allows the school to set tuition at just 75 percent of what it actually costs to educate a Blue Jay. Generous Jesuit parents and hundreds of supportive parents of alumni help make up the difference.
LEF donations do not fund financial aid. Those dollars are generated from Jesuit’s endowment. In 2016-17, approximately 160 families will receive an estimated $750,000 in financial assistance.
The easiest way to make your donation is online: DONATE TO LEF
LEF Fall Calling Campaign, Oct. 11-13, 2016
The first night of calling had records in all categories: number of callers, number of pledges, and number of dollars pledged.
Jesuit's director of advancement, Tom Bagwill, gives a tutorial to first-time callers.
The Class of 1991 has a strong showing of callers: (top, from left) Ryan LeBlanc, Greg Nolan, Vinnie Varisco, (bottom, from left) Todd DiMaggio, Hunter Higgins, and Ryan Gootee.
The stacks of donation cards grow smaller as the week progresses.
Graham Williams and Billy Wright, both from the Class of 2008, join in on the calling.
Members of the Class of 2009 get together to make calls to their classmates: (from left) Peter Flores, Patrick Bollman, Scott Rooney, and Tyler Andrews.
Claiborne Perrilliat '62 turns in a completed donation card.
Alums from many classes spread out in the third floor hallway. Joe Gendusa '58 and Lionel Carey '58 (foreground to the right) find a chair outside the president's office.
Lloyd Huck reaches out to his classmates from the Class of 1987.
Laurie Ortling and Greg Tilton from the Class of 1970 find their spot for making calls.
The drive hosted callers spanning many decades: (from right) Michael Cousin '00, Jeff Serpas '00, Mickey Landry '80, and Bob Ebberman '63.
Members of the advancement staff (from left) Krista Roeling, Logan Diano, and Jeremy Reuther '01, take a break from the action for a photo with Claiborne Perrilliat '92 (second from left).
Rene Alvarez '83 and Pepe Lafourcade '90 work their way down their lists, connecting with classmates and inviting them to participate in the drive.